For this task, students need to create a reflective analysis that integrates their personal nursing philosophy. While the Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper can use first-person language to convey personal perspectives, it must follow the provided guidelines in all other aspects.
General Guidelines:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
- If you’re a doctoral student, make sure to follow the current APA style when writing your essays. You can find the APA Style Guide in the Student Success Center. Check out the rubric for this assignment before you start to understand what’s expected for successful completion of the DNP-815A Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper. Include at least three recent peer-reviewed references, and don’t forget to submit your assignment to LopesWrite. If you need help with LopesWrite, there’s a link to technical support articles in Class Resources.
Write a reflective analysis of 1,000-1,250 words that includes your personal nursing philosophy. Cover these key points:
- What do you believe about each person?
- How does your personal perspective affect how you treat patients?
- What do you consider as the environment?
- How do individuals and the environment interact?
- What’s your perspective on health?
- How does illness connect to health?
- How can nursing leaders help others to enhance human well-being?
- Why do you think nursing exists?
Portfolio Practice Immersion Hours:
You might get practice hours for your portfolio with this assignment. Add the following right after your paper’s list of references:
Practice Immersion Hours Completion Statement DNP-815A
I, (INSERT NAME), confirm that I’ve finished and recorded (NUMBER OF) clock hours aligned with the assignment’s goals. I’ve tracked these hours in the Lopes Activity Tracker for verification and will ensure I have approval from my faculty and practice immersion preceptor/mentor by the end of the course.