In NSG 893 Medical Humanities, we’ll explore how medicine and humanity connect. This course looks at the human aspects of healthcare, considering things like culture, ethics, and communication in the medical field. It’s a chance to understand the personal side of healthcare and how it impacts people.
Medical Humanities Core Courses
- MH 1331 Introduction to Medical Humanities
This course provides an introduction to the diverse field of medical humanities. We’ll explore its various subjects and the wide range of topics it covers. Additionally, we’ll learn how it can enhance the experiences of both patients and practitioners in the medical field.
- PHI 1309 Introduction to Medical Ethics
In this course, we’ll begin by exploring philosophical thinking related to medical ethics. We’ll cover important topics like keeping information confidential, making decisions about the beginning and end of human life, and fairly distributing medical resources.
- MH 2301 Christian Spirituality and Healthcare
This course provides a historical overview of Western spiritual traditions, with a special emphasis on the Christian tradition. We’ll focus on how Christian spirituality is connected to the concept of healing.
Philosophical Perspectives
- PHI 3301 Moral Philosophy
This class looks at issues in how we make moral decisions. We’ll explore topics like freedom, determinism, relativism, absolutism, conflicts between duties and goals, and the reasons behind moral obligations. We’ll also check out key writings from the history of moral philosophy. - PHI 4310 Philosophy of Science
In this class, we’ll look at questions in philosophy related to science. We’ll explore important ideas like laws, causes, hypotheses, theories, verification, and models. We may also check out the basic ideas and methods used in different sciences. Plus, we’ll think about how scientific views connect to moral, social, and metaphysical issues. - PHI 4363 Philosophy and Medicine
This class explores how philosophy connects with clinical medicine and modern healthcare. We’ll mainly look at using personal experiences as a way to gain knowledge in these fields.
Religion & Spirituality
- MH 3342 Medicine, Missions, and Gospel
This course provides a look at the Bible’s instruction to address both physical and spiritual needs within the framework of Christian health care missions. - MH 4361 Meaning, Money, and Medicine
This class explores how money matters in personal finance connect to a career in health care, all while considering Christian spirituality and values. We’ll talk about how your job is like a “vocational calling,” tying it to your personal character. Plus, we’ll cover topics like spending, handling debt, giving, paying taxes, and investing. - REL 3345 World Religions
This course looks at the different ways people have studied and understood the major faith traditions worldwide. We’ll explore their history, beauty, philosophy, culture, society, and psychology. - REL 3390 Christian Ethics
This class is a basic exploration of how Christians think and act morally. We’ll focus on how Christian values guide actions in areas like politics, economics, family life, and other parts of everyday living. - REL 4395 Bioethics
In this course, we’ll talk about what’s right and wrong in health care and life sciences. We’ll cover topics like changing behavior, abortion, euthanasia, how health care is given, experimenting on people, and modifying genes. Each student will also need to do a big research project on an approved topic chosen by the professor. - ANT 4360 Anthropology of Religion
In this class, we’ll explore myths, rituals, and religions from a social and cultural anthropology perspective. We’ll focus on understanding their structures and functions, and we’ll review and discuss important classical and modern works on these topics.
Literature and the Arts
- PHI 4325 Literary & Philosophical Perspectives on Medicine
In this course, we’ll look at stories about sickness, disease, pain, and death to learn more about how the beliefs and values of those providing care influence the patient. We’ll study writings from literature, philosophy, and medicine. Each student will share and discuss a meaningful piece of work, along with writing a big paper in one of these areas. - MH 3300 Visual Arts and Healing
This class explores how art, healing, and healthcare are linked, focusing on the role of imagination and creativity in medicine. We’ll look at art critically, discuss it in class, learn through experiences, and even do a service-learning project. - ART/CLA 3361 Roman Sculpture
In this class, we’ll study Roman sculptures from the time of the Republic to Constantine (until AD 313). We’ll pay attention to how they look and how they’re made, all while considering the political and social situations of that time. - GTX 3343 Great Texts in the Origins of Science
In this class, we’ll look back at important advancements in ancient and medieval science. We’ll read parts of writings by people like Euclid, Archimedes, Pythagoras, Copernicus, Galileo, and more to understand how their ideas shaped the history of science. - GTX 4341 Great Texts in Modern Science
In this class, we’ll explore the history and growth of the natural and social sciences from the Enlightenment to today. We’ll focus on important writings by figures like Bacon, Vico, Newton, Lavoisier, Darwin, Einstein, Heisenberg, Kuhn, and more to understand how science has evolved over time.
Historical Perspectives
- MH 4300 History of Medicine
This class looks at how medicine and medical science started and evolved from prehistoric times to now. We’ll explore how major diseases have affected civilizations and how successful measures to control them have emerged over time. - CLA 4300 Medicine and Healing in the Ancient World
In this class, we’ll explore how Western medicine began in ancient Greece and Rome. We’ll journey from the times of Homer and Hippocrates to Galen and the Christians of the early Middle Ages.
Behavioral Health
- PSY 3321 Abnormal Psychology
In this class, we’ll learn about how people have viewed abnormal behavior throughout history and in modern times. We’ll also take a look at the different types of psychological disorders. - PSY 3341 Survey of Human Development
This class explores developmental psychology, looking at how human behavior develops from the time of conception all the way through life. - PSY 3355 Drugs and Behavior
In this class, we’ll learn about the main drugs that affect mood and behavior. We’ll look into things like tolerance, dependence, addiction, and how to treat these issues. The substances we’ll study include alcohol, anti-psychotic medications, sedatives, stimulants, pain relievers, hallucinogens, and other drugs that impact the mind. - PSY 3399 Positive Psychology and Well-Being
In this class, we’ll explore positive psychology—its theories, research, and ways to apply it in practice. - NSC/PSY 4312 Behavioral Medicine
In this course, we’ll cover the connections between the mind, brain, and behavior in relation to health, disease, and wellness. We’ll also delve into the history, philosophy, and current state of healthcare systems. Additionally, we’ll analyze stress, explore psychoneuroimmunology, and look at how behavior affects conditions like cardiovascular disease, cancer, drug abuse, and weight management.
- PSY 4355 Psychology and Aging
In this class, we’ll look at the usual and unusual changes in behavior that happen from early adulthood to later stages of life. We’ll focus on changes in things like sensation, perception, intelligence, learning, and personality. Additionally, we’ll explore social aspects like roles and how environmental changes affect older individuals. - EDP 2336 The Developing Child
This course looks at how kids grow physically, mentally, and emotionally from before birth until they turn eighteen. We’ll focus on what the latest research and theories say about child development. - EDP 3361 Developmental Disabilities
In this class, we’ll first look at how people typically grow and develop. Then, we’ll dive deep into understanding the causes, traits, treatment, and ways to prevent developmental challenges like autism, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and seizure disorders. - SWO 4316 Loss and Mourning
This course focuses on understanding and helping people dealing with loss and grief, including children who are grieving. We’ll learn specific knowledge and skills to support those facing loss in relationships and health at different stages of life. The class emphasizes the role of religious faith in grief and explores how faith communities and religious providers respond to challenging situations like suicide, divorce, loss of parental rights, and other types of grief that may not be widely acknowledged. - SWO 4395 Aging and Mental Health
In this course, we’ll talk about the mental health needs and challenges faced by elderly individuals. We’ll discuss various mental health treatments that are commonly accepted and effective for them.
Social Sciences & Health
- MH 4372 End of Life Care and Bereavement
In this class, we’ll take a close look at how healthcare professionals navigate the experience of death alongside patients, families, and communities. We’ll cover various topics, including reasons for death, dealing with trauma, the role of spirituality in grieving, challenges in bereavement, hospice and palliative care, physician-assisted dying, handling treatments that may not be helpful towards the end of life, and being sensitive to differences in culture. - MH 4382 U.S. Health Care System
This class is a basic look at how healthcare works in the United States right now. We’ll cover its functions, economic effects, how payments are managed, thoughts on making it better, and concerns about patient safety and quality. - MH 4396 Disability and Society
In this course, we’ll deeply think about important topics like what it means to be human, how we define well-being, and our perspectives on disability, suffering, and caring for those with disabilities. We’ll pay special attention to different views from cultures, religions, medicine, and society. - ANT 1325 Introduction to Global Health
This class gives a basic overview of health and illness worldwide, looking at it from different cultures and across borders. - ANT 4325 Medical Anthropology
This course covers both the biological and social sides of human health, disease, growth, aging, and healthcare. We’ll put a special focus on looking at these topics in a developmental, holistic, and cross-cultural way. - ANT 4330 Epidemiology
In this course, we’ll learn about the basics of epidemiology, which helps us understand diseases. We’ll also look at cultural, ecological, environmental, occupational, and behavioral factors that play a role in assessing health. - ECO 4350 Economics of Health & Medical Care
This class explores the money side of health and medical care. We’ll cover theories, real-world evidence, historical perspectives, the organizations involved, and how public policies shape this economic aspect. - ENV 3314 Introduction to Environmental Health
In this course, we’ll look at things in the environment that can be harmful to the health of humans and other animals, like pollution, radiation, waste, city living, and climate changes. We’ll cover topics such as how diseases spread, evaluating risks, dealing with new pollutants, and the rules and regulations in place. - ENV 4325 Human Health Risk Assessment
In this class, we’ll learn about the ideas, information sources, and methods used in human risk assessment. We’ll cover identifying environmental dangers, figuring out how much is too much (dose-response), understanding exposure, summarizing risks, and communicating these risks to others. You’ll also need to do a project using professional risk assessment software. Keep in mind, there might be a fee for this class. - SOC 3372 Population Health
This class gives a broad look at why people in the United States have different health and well-being levels. We’ll explore how things like money, gender, race/ethnicity, and age can create health disparities. We’ll also study how illnesses develop and critically think about different ideas of health. Plus, we’ll learn how we gather information about health and put biological and sociological health concepts into practice. - SOC 4353 Sociology of Medicine
In this class, we’ll look at health, illness, and how medical care is organized in the United States from a sociological perspective. We’ll think about how factors like race, class, gender, and age affect health, illness, and how medical care is provided.
More Options for Medical Humanities Electives
- MH 4351 Supervised Clinical Medicine
Every week, you’ll get hands-on experience in different medical areas, guided by a supervisor.You will also have weekly seminar sessions to discuss and learn more. - MH 4V98 Special Topics in Medical Humanities
In this class, you will dive deeper into specific Medical Humanities topics. Sometimes, you might need to do research or a special project. You can take this course for 1 to 3 semester hours, and if the topics vary, you can repeat it for a total of up to six semester hours. - MH 4377 Supervised Hospice Care.
In this class, you’ll get real experience in hospice care by shadowing professionals and spending time with patients. We’ll also read and discuss topics with your classmates, hospice staff, and the professor.
- MH 4387 Bench to Bedside: Clinical Trials and Translational Science.
This course gives a look at how we turn basic science into new treatments, focusing on practical clinical trials. We’ll stress the importance of keen observation, ethical research practices, understanding statistics, and how clinical trials impact medical expenses in the real world.
- PUBH 2330 Introduction to Community Health and Health Promotion
In this class, we’ll introduce you to the historical and theoretical basics of community health. We’ll also talk about the big health issues in society and the models and programs used to tackle them. You’ll learn about the seven key skills needed for an entry-level health education specialist and how they work in community settings. Plus, we’ll look at career options, practice interviews, and how to write resumes and cover letters. - PUB 3314 Environmental Health
This class is made for learning about hazards to our health from things like air, water, waste, noise, radiation, pesticides, and more. We’ll also look at how living conditions and cities can affect health. The course covers the role of agencies that work to control pollution and conserve the environment. - PUBH 3325 Maternal and Infant Health
This course aims to help students understand the various factors influencing the health of mothers and infants. We’ll explore the historical background that shapes present-day approaches to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum practices, and public policy, both globally and domestically. - PUBH 4321 Human Sexuality
In this health education class, we’ll explore and discuss the fundamental ideas about human sexuality. The goal is to help students grasp the various factors influencing human interactions and to provide accurate information, supporting the development of responsible decision-making skills. - PUBH 4340 Global Health
This class provides an overview of health problems around the world and explores how health education and public health play a role globally. - PUBH 4341 Cross-Cultural Health Communication
This course gives an overview of ways to communicate across different cultures in health education. It focuses on strategies to understand health needs and share health information effectively. The goal is to prepare students for working in specific cultural settings, whether international or local. - PHP 1103 Nature of Health Care Relationships
In this class, we’ll look at healthcare relationships from various angles, considering the perspectives of both patients and healthcare providers. We’ll explore professional and ethical issues and discuss ways to handle them. This course is part of the medical humanities program. - PHP 1105 Foundations of Medicine
This class provides a comprehensive overview of the studies needed for premedical education, the preparation required for getting into medical school, and insights into the medical profession. - PHP 1206 Introduction to Health Professions
This course is an introduction to health professions, exploring the medical and dental fields. We’ll cover essential skills for education and basic survival in healthcare professions, as well as give an overview of graduate-level studies in health-related fields. - PHP 2101 Foundations of Medical Research
This course is a beginner’s guide to clinical/medical research in an academic medical environment. We’ll cover important topics like medical ethics, different research methods, and tools for evaluation. - PHP 2102 Medical Research Internship
During this internship or research opportunity in a clinical setting, the main focus will be on creating a research project. This involves developing a hypothesis, creating a proposal for the Institutional Review Board (IRB), collecting and interpreting data, and eventually publishing the results. - SPA 2321 Intermediate Spanish for Health Professions
In this course, you’ll improve your skills in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing at an intermediate level. We’ll also focus on understanding the culture, particularly related to medical and scientific topics, which can be useful for future healthcare professionals. If needed, this course can replace SPA 2320. Keep in mind, there might be a fee associated with this course. - SPA 4321 Advanced Spanish for Health Professions
This course offers hands-on practice using Spanish in medical situations, including a community service-learning part. We’ll focus on improving speaking and listening skills. - CFS 3324 Children and Families with Special Needs
This class explores the difficulties families with special-needs children encounter in areas like social, education, and work.
- CFS 4368 Family Perspectives on Aging
This course delves into how people age in a normal way, looking specifically at how this process happens within the family setting. - CLA 3381 Medical Terminology
In this course, we’ll explore the medical terms used in English, breaking them down into parts like prefixes, stems, and suffixes, with roots in Greek and Latin.
Must Read:
What can I expect to learn in this course?
You will gain insights into the role of humanity in healthcare, understanding how cultural factors, ethical considerations, and effective communication are vital components of the medical field.
How is the course structured?
The course typically involves lectures, discussions, and assignments that encourage critical thinking about the human experience within healthcare.
Will there be practical applications of the concepts learned?
Yes, the course may include case studies and real-world examples to help apply the concepts learned in a practical context.
How can I succeed in NSG 893?
Active participation in discussions, engaging with the course materials, and applying critical thinking to assignments will contribute to success. Additionally, keeping up with readings and seeking clarification when needed is crucial.
How does NSG 893 relate to my nursing studies?
NSG 893 provides a broader perspective on healthcare by emphasizing the human and cultural aspects. It complements your nursing studies by offering insights into patient care from a humanities standpoint.