Table of Contents
Grading Criteria for Testimony on Policy
NAME: _____________________________ Topic:_______________________________ Pro:___ Con:___
[Submit this form to the faculty PRIOR to giving your testimony.]
Element | Points |
I Identify self and qualifications related to issue | 5 |
P Purpose of why you are testifying | 10 |
S Story that makes point relevant | 20 |
F Facts support the story and the purpose of your testimony | 25 |
R Request support for your position | 5 |
T Thank the group for their time | 5 |
Appears professional (attire, posture, no name tag, ABC)* | 5 |
Speaks clearly | 5 |
Speaks to group (as opposed to reads) | 5 |
Avoids acronyms, abbreviations, big words, and professional jargon | 5 |
Stays within designated time for presentation | 5 |
Responds in a professional manner to questions, including those to which the answer isn’t known | 5 |
* ABC: Appearance, Behavior (gravitas), Communication
See Jurns, C. (2019). Using SBAR to communicate with policy makers. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 24(1).