Gonzaga University DNP Course Essay Assignments – NURS 563, 700, 701, 705, 710, 720, 730, 761, 764

Gonzaga University DNP Courses Overview

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditsDescription
NURS 563Evidence-Based Practice for Quality & Safety3Theoretical and practical foundation for identifying and appraising evidence from qualitative and quantitative research traditions, emphasizing evidence-based practice for quality improvement and safety in advanced practice roles.
NURS 700Theoretical Foundations for Doctor of Nursing Practice3Examines philosophical and scientific knowledge development in nursing practice and implications for practice. Analysis, critique, and application of nursing middle-range and other theories. Prerequisites: NURS 563 and NURS 708.
NURS 701DNP Practicum I: Integrative Application of Evidence-Based Practice1-3Initial practicum to design DNP project, establish advanced nursing DNP role, and submit an individualized practicum proposal. Prerequisite: NURS 700. Corequisite: NURS 761.
NURS 702DNP Practicum II: Application of Evidence-Based Practice1-3Works with faculty mentor to implement DNP project, focusing on population of interest. Submits individualized practicum proposal. Prerequisites: NURS 701 and NURS 761. Corequisite: NURS 762.
NURS 703DNP Practicum III: Application of Evidence-Based Practice1-3Continues DNP project implementation, including data analysis and drafting a report. Submits individualized practicum proposal. Prerequisites: NURS 702 and NURS 762. Corequisite: NURS 763.
NURS 704Application of Evidence-Based Practice IV1-3Final practicum course, completing DNP project implementation and evaluation. Submits individualized practicum proposal. Prerequisites: NURS 703 and NURS 763. Corequisite: NURS 764.
NURS 705DNP Immersion1On-campus immersion focusing on Jesuit values, ethical decision-making, DNP role, expectations, and crystallizing ideas for DNP project. Prerequisite: NURS 700.
NURS 708Inferential Statistics3Review of statistical concepts with emphasis on application to analyze research for best available evidence supporting quality nursing practice. Includes hands-on experience with statistical software.
NURS 710Population-Focused Care3Focuses on developing and evaluating health promotion and disease prevention interventions for population-based health. Explores environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural contexts.
NURS 720Evidence Synthesis for Practice3Emphasizes creating answerable questions, critical appraisal of qualitative and quantitative data, and systematic search for research evidence. Prepares DNP students to use epidemiological data and synthesize evidence for knowledge translation.
NURS 730Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation3Covers steps in developing a business plan for new clinical services or programs, including needs assessment, mission and values statements, program design, financial analysis, and evaluation strategies.
NURS 740Quality Improvement, Information Management, and Leadership in Health Care3Emphasizes strategic planning, systems and organizational theories, quality improvement, and information management. Focuses on leadership in health care delivery and continuous process improvement.
NURS 750Health Policy and Advocacy3Focuses on DNP leadership in influencing health policy makers, policy development, and interprofessional collaboration. Explores the impact of nursing scholarship on health policy, considering Ignatian values and social justice principles.
NURS 761Integrative Application of Evidence for Advanced Practice Seminar I2First of four seminars guiding DNP students through identifying a practice issue, developing, implementing, evaluating, and disseminating an independent DNP project. Prerequisites: NURS 700. Corequisite: NURS 701.
NURS 762Integrative Application of Evidence for Advanced Practice Seminar II2Refines DNP project design, including data collection and evaluation plans. Oral defense of the planned project required before implementation. Prerequisites: NURS 761 and NURS 701. Corequisite: NURS 702.
NURS 763Integrative Application of Evidence for Advanced Practice Seminar III1Continues refining evidence-based DNP project specific to a population of interest. Prerequisites: NURS 762 and NURS 702. Corequisite: NURS 703.
NURS 764Integrative Application of Evidence for Advanced Practice Seminar IV1Final seminar where the student presents the final defense of the DNP project through an oral presentation. Prerequisites: NURS 763 and NURS 703. Corequisite: NURS 704.

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