MSN Core Discussion Guidelines and Rubric


InteractionFacilitate interactive dialogue between instructors and students
OrganizationAssist students in organizing, integrating, and applying knowledge about nursing and their chosen practice area
Critical AppraisalEncourage critical appraisal of information from scholarly and professional sources
Knowledge ApplicationPromote the application of learned principles and information to real-life professional experiences
Learning CommunityFoster the development of a learning community through interactive dialogue with instructors and peers, sharing ideas, perspectives, and knowledge

The aim of the required threaded discussions is to create a dynamic and engaging platform for instructors and students. This facilitates the organization, integration, and application of knowledge in the nursing profession and selected practice areas. The use of scholarly information and professional communication is essential. Applying this information to professional experiences encourages the analysis and practical application of principles and knowledge in real-life situations. Furthermore, the interactive dialogue among instructors and peers contributes to the development of a supportive learning community, where ideas, perspectives, and knowledge are shared.

Due Date:

Initial PostingWednesday, 11:59 pm MT
Peer and Instructor ResponsesSunday, 11:59 pm MT
Week 8 PostsSaturday, 11:59 pm MT

Note: Late assignment policy does not apply to threaded discussions.

Total Points Possible:

Varies with course, refer to specific syllabus. Week 8 is worth 25 points.


Description of the Assignment

Initial PostingRespond to the threaded discussion topic by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT. Minimum 300 words, using one scholarly source (outside required textbooks). Week 8: 200 words with scholarly reference.
Peer ResponsesRespond on a separate day from the initial posting and instructor response, before Sunday, 11:59 pm MT. Minimum 150 words. Week 8: Minimum 100 words.
Instructor ResponsesRespond on a different day from the initial post and peer response, before Sunday, 11:59 pm MT. Minimum 150 words. Week 8: Not mandatory, but if done, minimum 100 words on a different day.
Week 8 Special CaseWeek 8 requires two posts: one initial (200 words) and either a peer or instructor response (100 words). Both on separate days, due by Saturday, 11:59 pm MT.

Posting Requirements:

Initial Posting DeadlineBefore Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.
Scholarly SourceAt least one scholarly outside source cited within the initial posting (not from course materials).
Word CountInitial posting: Minimum 300 words; Peer and instructor responses: Minimum 150 words. Week 8: Initial post – 200 words.
Postings on 3 Separate DaysAll posts must occur on 3 separate days. Week 8: Two posts required on two separate days.

Criteria for Content:

ScholarlinessUse valid, relevant, and reliable scholarly sources.
Application of Course KnowledgeApply principles, knowledge, and information learned to real-life professional situations.
Participation RequirementOne initial posting, one peer response, and one instructor response (3 posts) on 3 separate days.
Participation DeadlineSubstantive response to threaded discussion topic by Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT. Peer and instructor responses by Sunday, 11:59 pm MT. Week 8: Saturday, 11:59 pm MT.

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions:

  • The instructor may use TurnItIn for originality verification.
  • Prefer peer-reviewed journals as outside sources.
  • Determine the scholarly nature of websites; instructor discretion for .com sites.
  • Limit small quotes (15 words or less) to one in the entire initial posting; paraphrasing expected with proper APA citations

Must Read:

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