Tables, Graphs, and Histograms in Nursing Essay

Common Errors in Using Data Visualization

Discussion PromptCommon Errors
Discuss the most common errors in data visualization.1. Incorrect totals in charts (e.g., pie-chart presenting 150%).
2. Not following convention (e.g., upside-down y-axis).
3. Truncated and cropped axes making value comparison difficult.

Measures to Prevent Errors

Discussion PromptPreventive Measures
Identify two measures to prevent errors in data presentation.1. Use the right chart and double-check entered values to ensure correctness.
2. Follow convention as a rule, making exceptions only when necessary.
3. Use true values on axes to prevent truncation and cropping.

Formats for Presenting Outcomes

Discussion PromptSuggested Formats and Corresponding Data Points
Suggest two formats for presenting outcomes of a project.1. Article: Scientific format with sections like introduction, literature review, methodology, data presentation, discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices.
2. Poster: Concise, visually appealing format for summarizing project outcomes attractively and generating discussion (Joel, 2018).

Preferred Format for EBP Project Outcomes

Discussion PromptPreferred Format for EBP Project Outcomes
Identify one format you would use to present each outcome.Article: Comprehensive information for peer review, ensuring credibility (Joel, 2018).


  • Joel, L. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: essentials for role development (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.
  • Sharma, N. (2015). 7 most common data visualization mistakes. Retrieved from
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