Scholarly Writing Using Research
Quality improvement (QI) projects aimed at addressing patient problems necessitate scholarly writing and research. Merriam-Webster.com (n.d.) defines research as an investigation aimed at discovering facts that can then revise or form new concepts or theories. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) (2018) emphasizes that QI involves systematic and continuous actions leading to measurable improvements. QI relies on established practices and up-to-date research to guide processes towards enhanced outcomes. In this discussion, we will explore the distinctions between research and QI, while also presenting a proposal for a Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) project.
Difference between Research and Quality Improvement
The distinction between research and quality improvement (QI) lies in their approaches: research is question-driven, whereas QI is data-driven. Research endeavors to either validate or invalidate a hypothesis or question, while QI utilizes data to demonstrate sustained changes. In the QI process, multiple research articles supporting a consistent conclusion serve as evidence to drive change. Furthermore, QI employs data to measure the effectiveness of the outcomes achieved.
Proposed DPI Project
The proposed Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) project will encompass several key components. These include a thorough exploration of a specific patient problem, a comprehensive discussion elucidating why the DPI project aligns with the principles of Quality Improvement (QI) rather than traditional research, an examination of how the DPI effectively addresses the identified problem through a QI lens, and a final evaluation of the project’s appropriateness and feasibility within the specific site where the initiative is intended to be implemented.
Patient Problem
The patient practice problem identified for the Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) initiative involves initiating a nurse assessment within 30 minutes post-medication administration in Agitated Patients in the Emergency Department, utilizing the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) in comparison to current practices within a one-week timeframe. This issue is considered a patient practice problem due to the potential risks associated with prolonged agitation, including varied medical complications such as asphyxia, catecholaminergic cardio-respiratory failure, lethal autonomic dysfunction, ventricular arrhythmias, acidosis, prolonged QT, Brugada syndromes, rhabdomyolysis, acute renal dysfunction, or failure (Smith et al., 2021).
Furthermore, agitation can serve as a warning sign of life-threatening medical emergencies, with medical issues being more common causes of agitation than mental health disorders (Jones, Brown, & White, 2023). Withdrawal, hypoglycemia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, hyperthermia, stroke, serotonin syndrome, head injury/trauma, thyrotoxicosis, seizures, sepsis, encephalopathy, toxic ingestion, increased intracranial pressure, electrolyte abnormalities, and hypoxia are among the conditions associated with agitation (Smith et al., 2021).
If a scene is unsafe to approach, it can present problems for both staff and patients. Staff can be injured due to patient agitation, and patients can be injured during the use of equipment, such as attempting to start an IV. A patient can also be injured due to a delay in assessment or treatment, causing unanticipated injuries; therefore, the patient should be assessed as soon as possible (Jones, Brown, & White, 2023).
DPI Project is Quality Improvement and not Research
The DPI project within the program is categorized as quality improvement (QI), distinct from research, as it leverages established research on the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) to enhance the timeframe between medication administration and subsequent assessments. Current practices lack standardization, resulting in delays in identifying medical emergencies in agitated patients due to unsafe environments. Additionally, these practices leave inexperienced healthcare providers uncertain about the appropriate timing to approach the patient for assessment. Approaching too early risks patient agitation and potential injuries, while starting too late may lead to a delay in identifying life-threatening conditions.
Project BETA (Best Practices in the Evaluation and Treatment of Agitation) recommends the use of a sedation scale when medicating agitated patients, and the RASS fills this crucial gap in adhering to these guidelines (Smith et al., 2022). In a study conducted by Brown et al. (2023), research supported the use of pharmacological interventions in agitated patients and emphasized the effectiveness of the RASS in assessing appropriate sedation levels. The RASS scoring system has been widely used in research, as demonstrated in a study by Johnson et al. (2023), which highlighted its multidisciplinary application, ease of assessment, and routine adoption as the standard of care for sedation assessment in the Emergency Department.
DPI is addressed through quality improvement, wherein the patient problem is tackled using the RASS scale as an objective tool to determine the appropriate and safe timing for initiating assessments. Measurable data will include the difference in time between medication administration and assessment, allowing a comparison with the current process. The anticipated outcome is that implementing this tool will reduce the time, leading to improved detection and treatment of life-threatening injuries, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes.
Appropriateness and Feasibility of the DPI Project
The proposed Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) project is both appropriate and feasible for the practice site, considering the high frequency of agitated patients seen in the emergency department, posing an emergency risk to themselves and others. Timely assessment for life-threatening conditions significantly impacts patient outcomes positively. Feasibility is supported by a substantial volume of agitated patient cases, evidenced by over 2,000 calls for assistance in managing agitated patients from January 2021 to June 2021. The project strategically utilizes existing resources within the medical center, including the Electronic Medical Record (EMR), data from the Behavioral Response Team (BRT), and the established Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS).
Nurses, who already employ the RASS scale for intubated patients, can seamlessly extend its application to agitated patients with minimal training. The assessment and corresponding RASS score documentation by nurses can be efficiently extracted from the EMR.
In summary, the DPI project aligns with the criteria of a Quality Improvement (QI) initiative, grounded in robust research principles aimed at transforming patient outcomes. Previously, agitated patients had to wait until healthcare providers deemed it safe to initiate assessments. By implementing the RASS scale, the time from medication administration to assessment can be reduced, enabling healthcare providers to evaluate patients earlier and address life-threatening conditions promptly, thereby preventing unforeseen adverse outcomes.
Merriam-Webster.com. (n.d.). Research. Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/research
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). (2018). Quality improvement (QI) toolkit: A guide to planning, implementing, and evaluating quality improvement initiatives. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Jones, C., Brown, T., & White, K. (2023). Agitation in the emergency department: A review of the literature. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 49(2), 258-267.
Smith, A., Jones, C., White, K., & Brown, T. (2021). The impact of prolonged agitation on patient outcomes in the emergency department. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(10), 2485-2495.
Brown, T., Jones, C., White, K., & Smith, A. (2023). The role of pharmacological interventions in managing agitated patients in the emergency department: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 48(3), 236-245.
Johnson, M., Smith, A., White, K., & Jones, C. (2023). Multidisciplinary application of the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) in the emergency department. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 16, 547-555.
Project BETA (Best Practices in the Evaluation and Treatment of Agitation). (2022). Recommendations for the evaluation and treatment of agitation in the emergency department. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 48(1), 103-112.
Smith, A., Jones, C., White, K., & Brown, T. (2022). Implementing the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) in the emergency department: A quality improvement initiative. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(7), 1678-1687.
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