Connecting Nursing Theory and Evidence-based Change Models
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Grand Canyon University
Phoenix, Arizona
[Insert Current Date]
This paper will discuss the connection between nursing theory and evidence-based change models in the context of a Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) project. It will outline the chosen nursing theory and change model, linking them to the project’s clinical question and synthesizing their application in various evidence-based sources.
Theoretical Foundations:
In this section, we will explore the nursing theory and evidence-based change model chosen for the DPI project.
Nursing Theory:
We will introduce the selected nursing theory, identifying its steps or factors and describing how they are applied in the project. The clinical question aligned with the theory will follow the PICOT format, and we will also delve into the seminal source of the nursing theory. Furthermore, we will synthesize how the nursing theory has been implemented in at least three other evidence-based articles, research, or peer-reviewed projects.
This section will provide a brief summary of the nursing theory and transition into the next part of the paper.
Evidence-based Change Model:
Similar to the nursing theory section, we will introduce the chosen evidence-based change model, explaining its steps or factors and how they are utilized in the DPI project. The clinical question aligned with the change model will be discussed, along with the identification of the seminal source for the change model. Additionally, we will synthesize how the change model has been applied in at least three other evidence-based sources.
A concise summary of the evidence-based change model section will be provided, leading to the next part of the paper.
Linking Nursing Theory, Change Model, to the Direct Practice Improvement Project:
This section will address the problem being addressed without requiring citations. It will discuss the gap at the site and the evidence found. The purpose of the DPI project will be clearly stated, focusing on the implementation and impact of a specific intervention in a defined population over four weeks.
This final section will connect the chosen nursing theory and evidence-based change model to the purpose of the DPI project. Supporting evidence will be provided to demonstrate how the nursing theory supports the change model, how the change model supports the nursing theory, and how both align with the project’s purpose. A minimum of three examples will be presented, identifying the theory or model on which the project is built.
References: [Include relevant references following APA style guidelines.]
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